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ss CMF news - spring 2004,  International Christian Medical and Dental Association

International Christian Medical and Dental Association

From Daryl Hackland, ICMDA General Secretary

Visit to India, Bangladesh and Singapore – 17-27 February 2004

‘Let us thank God for using us to serve the poor, oppressed and sick through CMAB… Knowing our limitations let us not give up our hope for the future certainty of the new Kingdom’

With these words Dr Ratu Saha, the Vice President of CMAB (Christian Medical Association of Bangladesh) addressed the 150 delegates attending the 48th Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Association in Dhaka, in which I was privileged to share. The theme was ‘Go in Peace’. We are peace ‘takers’ because Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Nurses, Administrators and doctors together were renewed for the fresh challenges awaiting in the 30 health care institutions (clinics/hospitals/missions) in Bangladesh, which name him Lord of Lords.

After that I travelled to India to meet with the teams of the Christian Medical Association of India (CMAI) in Delhi and the Evangelical Medical Fellowship of India (EMFI) in Chennai (Madras). The vibrancy of the work for the Lord was so much in evidence. Meetings with members of both organisations afforded opportunity to share in the work of ICMDA and to consider ways and means of growing in relevance to all our member organisations.

An afternoon spent with the Director Dr Vinod Shah and Deputy Director (Dr Varghese Phillip) of the Emmanuel Hospital Association continued the encouraging story of opportunities grasped by his faithful followers to meet the needs of the poor and sick with the compassion of Christ. Hot on their agenda was the request from the people of NE India (Nagaland – 90% Christian) to establish a Christian Medical College and Hospital there with Government funding. The Lord continues to open the doors of opportunity for service.

A memorable day visit to the Christian Medical College of Vellore and the Hospital was astounding. Established in the early 1900’s, Ida Scudder, starting with a one-bed woman’s hospital opened the College in 1918 to train Indian women to become doctors. It now stands as a pinnacle of commitment to a service of excellence to all, patients and students alike. Dr George Chandy, the President Director, invites ICMDA to hold a Conference there. Let us not forget the pioneering Spirit of those who fulfil the Lord’s call ‘Whom shall I send and who will go for me’ (Isaiah 6:8). Does he hear our reply ‘I will go! Send me!’?

And this was the overwhelming sense of response to our Lord in Singapore as members shared and met together and as students (50) gathered at the Varsity Christian Fellowship to speak about ‘Being Christ’s witness in the work place’ and ‘Keeping our faith on track for Christ’. Everywhere the disciples are speaking about Mission – to underserved areas, providing opportunities for missionary doctors for updates, going on short missions, being engaged in services to creative access countries (ie. no open access to Christians).

Then back to the office with glorious stories of walking in our living Lord. Thanks be to God.

Daryl Hackland

From Peter Pattisson, ICMDA European Regional Secretary

Krelingen 2004 - 6th ICMDA European Conference nr Hanover, Germany 8-12 September 2004

With this mailing comes the Final Invitation to ICMDA’s 6th European conference, set at conference grounds in beautiful countryside north of Hanover, Germany. It is a pleasant drive (500 miles from Calais). BA and BMI fly to Hanover, Ryanair to Lubeck, near Hamburg. Transfers are arranged from Hanover and possibly from Lubeck. Early booking secures cheaper flights.

To facilitate maximal UK involvement in this at both student and graduate levels the following arrangements are in hand:

CMF are organising a coach from London (Maybe two coaches if sufficient demand) Details from CMF office.

Registration may be made through the ICMDA European office with payment by sterling cheque made out to ICMDA (UK) Trust. Address below. (Standardised exchange rate £1 = 1.4 euros)

To facilitate maximal East European participation we are still asking the Lord (and you!) for gifts to the bursary fund (see yellow slip inside the final announcement) Average individual grants will be around £100. Currently the fund stands at slightly over half the target of £20,000. If the Lord stirs your heart, gifts may be sent to the ICMDA European office and can be increased through giftaid arrangements.

If you didn't receive a conference announcement with this mailing they can be obtained from the CMF office or the ICMDA European office.

Peter Pattisson
ICMDA European Office, Russets, Woodlands,
Pembury, Kent TN2 4AZ
Tel: 01892 824872

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uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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