BECKY BRAIN has been appointed as South- West staffworker, working two days per week for two years from the beginning of August 2002. Becky will be based in Cardiff and will be supporting Christian medical students in Cardiff, Bristol and in the new school opening this summer in Exeter/Plymouth. Becky qualified MBChB in Cardiff in 2001, and will be continuing flexible training in general practice alongside her CMF post. She will take over the Cardiff and Bristol groups from Ruth Selwood who will move her activity further East to Nottingham and Leicester. Please remember Becky in prayer as she takes up her new responsibilities. If you would like to receive her prayer letters on a regular basis then please contact the CMF Office.
JACKY ENGEL BMedSci MPhil has acted as the CMF Publications Assistant in the last year whilst studying towards an MA in medical ethics and law. Her work on CMF publications, and in particular the upgrade of the website, has been invaluable. With the approval of the CMF Executive Committee, Jacky has been offered and accepted a full time post as Publications and Research Assistant for a further year, and will work in conjunction with the CMF Medical Study Group and Publications Committee.