Assistant General Secretary
We are looking to develop CMF’s ministry by appointing a full-time medically qualified Assistant General Secretary to work alongside Peter Saunders and share his current duties, covering the full range of CMF’s activities. Post-graduate medical qualification required, along with significant experience in Christian ministry and administration, and a commitment to CMF’s key ministries of evangelism, ethics, medical mission, publishing and pastoral support of Christian doctors and medical students. The post would to a large extent be shaped around the experience, gifts and abilities of the applicant. Salary based on clinical lecturer scales. Please contact Peter Saunders if you would like to explore this exciting London-based opportunity. Job description and person specification are available on request.
Student Secretary
Discussions are progressing with someone to take on significant responsibility for some parts of Peter Saunders’ previous Student Secretary role on a part-time, but long-term basis. Please pray for those involved as they seek to clarify the right way forward in this fundamental part of CMF’s ministry.
Regional Staff-workers
We are constantly on the look out for individuals able to take some time out from their medical commitments to work amongst students and junior doctors at a local and regional level on a part or full-time basis. There are immediate needs in London, East UK, and Scotland, and further opportunities may well arise throughout the UK in the summer of 2002. We would love to have seven Regional Staffworkers in all. Currently Ruth Selwood works in the West Midlands and South West, Malcolm Savage is working in the north of England, and Tim Lewis covers Ireland. If you are interested now or in the future, please contact Peter Saunders in the London office.
Database administrator
We wish to expand the London office by appointing someone to take full responsibility for the maintenance of the membership database, including all new members, changes, graduations, pastoral care, returned mail etc., along with a share in the regular, general administrative duties of a busy office.
If you know of someone, with some computing skills, looking for such a full-time post, please contact John Alford in the London office for further details.