As CMF News went to press Andrew Fergusson’s new book Hard Questions about Health and Healing was at page proof stage and about to be printed. A special order form was sent with the last CMF News. If you have not ordered a copy it is not too late.
Bernard Palmer’s book Cure for Life has already enjoyed wide circulation in Albanian and Russian and the Bulgarian translation has just now been completed.
The editing on Mad, Bad and Sad is now at an advanced stage. There is an increasing demand for CMF literature both in the UK and abroad and the Executive has just given approval to the appointment of a senior editor to help speed the production of our books, booklets, periodicals and websites.
The redesign of our main website at www. is nearing completion and the new look will be evident (and available on CD-ROM) very shortly.
In 2005 we will be ‘rebranding’ CMF’s publications to give a uniform ‘new look’ to our books, booklets, periodicals, websites and training materials. More on that soon.
Allister Vale