Laurence Crutchlow, Richard Knox and Peter Fee have joined the CMF student staff team as relay workers. All graduated MBChB in 2001 and 2002 and will be working part-time with students in London, Birmingham and Edinburgh respectively; Peter until February and Laurence and Richard until August 2004.
CMF's relay programme offers training and experience in student ministry for 6- 12 months. The year includes being fully involved in theological and ministry training offered by the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) alongside ministry amongst medical students doing one-to-one Bible study, evangelism, teaching in ethics and mission, and supporting student leaders. Most posts are supervised by a CMF regional staffworker. The work is voluntary with CMF covering ministry and training expenses and relay workers raising their own living expenses usually through locums or regular part-time work. Most relay workers do about five sessions a week, worked flexibly.
If you would like to receive a prayer letter from Laurence, Peter or Richard, or for more information on relay posts in general, contact Peter Saunders at the CMF office.