Organisation Review
Mee Yan-Judge of Quality and Equality has now completed our CMF organisational review and presented her report to the CMF Executive on 16 September. The report identifies major strengths and significant weaknesses, as a result of rapid growth in CMF's external ministry outstripping growth in internal administrative structures.We have been advised to 'bed down'by establishing more effective training, development and support for staff members and by resolving our continuing IT problems with database and accounting systems. This process of change will be starting more or less immediately and a change team has been set up within the office overseen by a change steering group from the executive.We are encouraged that there is nothing recommended in the report that is 'not do-able' – but we are seeking God's wisdom regarding timing and procedure. The change in CMF's internal structure and systems will mean that some staff members'roles within the organization will change as we build a more secure foundation for the years ahead. Please do remember us in prayer as we adapt in this period of transition.
Capital Appeal and Building Search
As reported in the last edition of CMF News, Partnership House, our home of 32 years in central London, has been sold and we need to move out by May/June next year. After much prayer and careful discussion we believe the most sensible course is to buy an office in central London, which we estimate will cost us in the vicinity of £2,000,000.We launched the first stage of our campaign – an appeal to major donors within CMF – at the end of June.
By the end of September £250,000 had been received in gifts and pledges (including Gift Aid) from 136 donors, with over 90% of this coming from just 70 people. This added to the £200,000 from the MMA funds already in CMF hands brings the total to £450,000.We have been hugely encouraged by the generosity of individual donors – but there is still some way to go to our total.We are keen to buy outright, rather than take out a mortgage although we do have reserves such that a significant mortgage could be supported for less than out current rent and service charges.
Mike Edgar, a former CMF Chairman, and newly retired, is giving one day per week from October to follow up contacts, hopefully to enable the Executive to take a decision in December. Meanwhile we are on the lookout for suitable property so that we can move quickly when the time comes.We certainly wish to avoid a double move, and avoid any interim rental arrangement, and there is a possibility that we might be able to extend our stay at Partnership House for a short period while, but any delay will not be long.
At some point in the future we will launch a general appeal to the whole fellowship; but we have been advised to hold back doing this and instead to approach potential major donors first. Please continue to pray for the appeal and please also do prayerfully consider what you could personally give – either in terms of a one-off gift or by monthly pledge over four years.
You can in the meantime follow the progress of the appeal and watch a short video about our planned move on the CMF website at
Many members have responded wonderfully over the last three years to our request to move their annual subscription and donation on to a regular monthly or annual standing order. Bank standing orders contributed just over £300,000 in 2004, and we predict that the equivalent figure in 2006 will be £350,000, a very generous 16% increase. A very big thank you.
2nd Quarter Accounts
The six month figures were a very great encouragement; a £100,000 surplus on income of £753,000, massively ahead of both the equivalent 2005 figures and the budget I drew up nine months ago. However there is a more sobering story to tell behind the figures: general giving has increased by £70,000. However nearly £40,000 of the surplus can be attributed to the Capital appeal, which of course cannot be used to pay general Fellowship running costs. The other very significant factor is the extraordinary generosity of a very small number of members leaving the Fellowship very significant gifts in their wills, over £175,000 during 2006 alone.Would you consider making the Fellowship a beneficiary in your will? Future generations of CMF students and graduates will be eternally grateful!
Graduate Subscriptions
We are making huge strides in catching up with asking members for their subscriptions. 48% of the 2,000 who pay by the reminder system owe subscriptions for 2006 and in some instances several previous years as well. If you are aware of having requests from me unanswered and unpaid, I would be very grateful to receive your response, and be able to thank you! If all these current and past subscriptions were paid, along with Gift Aid reclaimed, CMF's finances would be in a very healthy position indeed.