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Mission Matters

ICMDA Global Conference in Sydney

It was a privilege, joy and challenge to attend this conference in July and to meet medical students and graduates from around the globe, sharing experiences, vision, problems, opportunities and learning from one another. The overseas section of CMF was well represented and involved in presentations at both pre conference sessions and the main conference. The Bible studies were superb, the range of seminars provided something for all and there was plenty of opportunity to network. It was helpful to be able to participate in a seminar/panel discussion with leaders from other organisations from Australia, Singapore, USA and Canada who are seeking to resource medical mission in a similar way to ourselves.

Developing Health Course

This year's course was held in the midst of a gloriously sunny spell at Oak Hill College in north London. A record number of 51 participants attended. This included a core group of 27 who attended the whole course, a number who came just for the first week and others who attended one or more of the specialist days in paediatrics, HIV, surgery or obstetrics.

Eleven nationalities were represented and the participants were or will be working in 17 countries. The numbers were made up of 36 doctors, one medical student, 13 nurse/midwives and a nutritionist. Several of the participants were in the final stages of preparation to work overseas. All were immensely appreciative of the effort that the speakers put into their presentations.

'A fantastic course; Thank you very much for all the work and love you invested in us; My love of medicine and the Lord have been rekindled; I will go back refreshed and better equipped; The course has been extremely useful and refreshing; A great course, I really enjoyed it, very practical and relevant; I learned loads and was inspired for working abroad'- were just some of the comments.

Many felt the course was not sufficiently widely known – despite our best efforts to advertise it.We would be grateful therefore if you would examine the content and speakers list which is still on our website at make it known to any that you feel might benefit from attendance next year. The RCP accredits attendance at the course for CPD. I have recently made a visit to the RCOG, who had expressed an interest in hearing more about the course and our Developing Health CD Rom. I made a presentation at a meeting of their International Committee and received a very enthusiastic response. Other organisations - mission agencies, Royal College or Bible school - known to you might appreciate a visit. Please get in touch if you have such contacts who may be interested to hear more.

The Nigerian CMF held their second Developing Health Course for workers in West Africa, in September, and the Kenyan CMF is thinking of a course for those in East Africa. There has also been some discussion with members working in Southern Africa.


Work continues on a new publication of the booklet Re-tyred – not retired. It will be a useful resource for retirees who are thinking about using their accumulated wisdom and skills to teach, support and encourage others overseas.

Work on the 2006 Developing Health CD Rom presses on and we hope to release the new edition later this year.We are grateful to those clinicians who have been involved in producing material for the CD, in the midst of their busy professional lives, and particularly to Ian Spillman as editor in chief.

An unique opportunity

Ian Spillman, a paediatrican and member of the overseas committee who has previously worked in Uganda, will be leading a two week Developing Health Experience Trip to Kisiizi Hospital in Uganda from 4–18 February 2007. It is also hoped to arrange a meeting with CMF members – nationals and expats – working in Kampala but the eventual details of the trip will be tailored to the interests of those who participate. If you are interested in this opportunity to experience something of the joys and sorrows, challenges and rewards of living and working in this incredibly beautiful but very needy part of Africa. Contact for further details.

Dates for 2007

  • Student Elective Day at South Parade Baptist Church, Leeds, Saturday 3 March
  • Student Elective Day at Partnership House in London, Wednesday 14 March
  • Developing Health Course at Oak Hill College, North London 1–13 July
  • HealthServe Day at Oak Hill College, North London, Saturday 7 July
Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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