e-newsletter launched
The first edition of a new electronic newsletter went out in late March to all 3,000 or so members whose email addresses we hold. We had about 20 very encouraging responses. We resonate with: 'Don't make it too long or too frequent'. We won't! We are aiming to send out the equivalent of one side of A4, with links, about once a month. Click here for a full archive of CMF e-newsletters.
CMF Website
With a dedicated communications department, and the return to the team of Jacky Engel as Web Editor, there is a lot of new material on the website. We are committed to developing it significantly.
Cambridge conference on mental capacity
The conference on 3 March reviewed clinical issues around death and dying in the light of the enactment in England on 1 April of the first parts of the Mental Capacity Act.
Peter Saunders gave a historical overview; and there were theological and biblical contributions from David Jones and John Wyatt. Barrister Charles Foster brought the legal perspective that much of the Act is both necessary and uncontroversial, while gastroenterologist Philip Howard was more cautious. The 70 participants broke into groups for case studies and concluded there are dangers both of over-treatment and unintended suffering, and of under-treatment leading to inappropriately early deaths.
For a fuller report see www.cmf.org.uk
MA in bioethics
St Mary's University College, Twickenham runs a well established MA course in bioethics which many CMF members have taken. The course is one year full time or up to three years part-time, and in September will also be available by e-learning.
The curriculum is taught from within a Judeo-Christian ethos though examines all major perspectives. The first year covers principles of bioethics, medical law and moral philosophy. In the second year, optional modules include issues at the end of life and Christian bioethics.
Though demanding, it is hugely enjoyable and St Mary's with a high staff/student ratio is a very supportive environment in which to study. Details available on www.smuc.ac.uk
Christian Heritage summer schools
These valuable courses equip Christians to make a difference in today's secular world. Please consider them yourself and publicise them. All are at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and are residential and non-residential.
9-13 July. Cambridge Centre for Apologetics. Confronting Secularism. Introductory course. Main speaker: Stefan Gustavsson
16-21 July. Cambridge Summer School of Theology. The Doctrine of Scripture. Speaker: Wayne Grudem
23-27 July. Cambridge Centre for Apologetics. Proclaiming Christ and Unmasking the Counterfeits. Speaker: Daniel Strange
Course details and application forms at www.christianheritageuk.org.uk