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Conferences, Meetings and Courses

CMF National Conference

Please pray for the CMF National Conference at Swanwick, Derbyshire on 25-27 April for which publicity has already been mailed. The theme is 'God is at Work' and Chris Richards will give the Rendle Short Lecture this year on the theme of 'Sleeping with the Enemy'. Details are available on this site:

Cooperation, Complicity and Conscience

A conference at Queen's College, Cambridge from 24-26 July 2003, organised by the Linacre Centre. It will explore moral problems in healthcare, science, law and public policy. Details from Bob Bell, Tel: 020 7806 4088 E mail:

International Christian Hospital Conference

1-5 October 2003, Hyderabad, India, run by Emmanuel Hospital Association - contact EHA UK or MMA HealthServe for details.

Notice of Special Meeting to approve changes to CMF Constitution

Formal Notice is hereby given to the membership of the Christian Medical Fellowship of a Special General Meeting, to which all members are invited, to be held at 10.30am on Saturday 21 June 2003.

This meeting is called under the terms of Clause 20 of the current constitution (dated 18 June 1994), which requires a Special General Meeting to approve alterations to the constitution. At least two thirds of those present and voting must approve the amendments to the Constitution, which have been considered during the year of consultation established by the General Committee in June 2002.

After the proposed constitutional changes were made available to members on request last autumn, just under 40 members requested sight of the proposed revisions, and 9 members made representations to the Constitutional sub-committee, which itself reported to the Executive in February. A copy of the revised constitution is also enclosed with this mailing.

The annual meeting of the General Committee will follow the Special General Meeting immediately, and we plan to make the whole meeting of the General Committee open to any member of the Fellowship, who would like to come to the Special General Meeting. So why not make a whole day of it, and be thrilled by all that is being done by the Fellowship in your name! It would be a great help in our planning of the day if you could advise Judy Wilson by 16th June, if you intend to come just for the Special General Meeting, or you would like to stay for the day, and therefore enjoy coffee, lunch and tea, which is provided free for all those who come. Please email her on, or telephone on 0207 234 9660, or write to Judy c/o the CMF office.

CMF Breakfasts

Three CMF breakfasts were held in March/April 2003 for members in the specialties of gastroenterology, rheumatology, paediatrics and child health.

Doctors' Dilemmas

Burrswood Hospital, Groombridge, Kent: 28 April - 1 May 2003 This course for GPs examines the ethical and spiritual implications of modern medical advances in a relaxing environment. Details from Veronica Ross Tel: 01892 862108 Email:

New Masters Course in Bioethics

Five CMF members enrolled for this new course at St Mary's, Twickenham, last September. Based on Judeo-Christian and Hippocratic principles, it has proved popular. If you are interested in doing it next year please contact Michael Hayes at If you would like to be put in touch with someone who is currently doing the course for an 'inside opinion' contact Peter Saunders at the CMF Office.

Trailblazers' Sponsored Challenges

If climbing Mt Kilimanjaro, walking the Inca Trail or cycling across Vietnam appeal to you as an exhilarating way of raising money for Christian projects - Trailblazers is for you. CMF members have participated in the past, paying to go on the challenge and then getting sponsorship. For details on the above challenges and others for 2003 see the website

Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
Contact Phone020 7234 9660
Contact Address6 Marshalsea Road, London SE1 1HL
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