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Opportunity or threat

Editorial comment
There is a big difference between serving the 'selfish gene' and serving the Creator. The gene tells us other people must be divided into opportunities or threats. In global health nations may be seen in this light.

Health professionals who see medicine as an insight into the mind of the Creator, who made all things well but who made himself vulnerable by giving freewill to those he made, will be excited by all they discover of that mind. They will keep the patient at the centre of what they do because that centre is around their Creator and not around themselves. Care of the weak replaces 'survival of the fittest'.

A new baby and the new relationships which follow will be seen as part of divine providence. Responsible parenthood is part of the stewardship of creation and does not include killing any individual made in the image of God.

When a nation like China, long isolated but now growing in influence, invites foreign experts to serve among its poor the servant mind sees opportunity not threat. When people groups who might otherwise be seen as threats allow visitors to serve within their borders the opportunity should he welcomed.

Global history has reached a stage where weapons of mass destruction can destroy both sides. The advice of the selfish gene could destroy civilisation and above all could blind us to the God of all peoples who is able in Christ to break down the dividing walls between us and who will eventually do so.
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