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Friendship With the Peoples of China

Dr Reginald Tsang and Dr James Hudson Taylor III describe the work of Medical Services International
Medical Services International (MSI) is dedicated to serving the health-related needs of peoples in China and East Asia, as an expression of Christ's love and the Great Commission. MSI teams work in partnership with national, provincial and local authorities in developing services in needy areas and upgrading them. The approach is long term, low key, and culturally sensitive. Through the work MSI promotes friendship and understanding with the peoples of China.

Foreign experts welcome
Major changes are occurring in Asia. Over the past decade, under the policy of Four Modernisations, China has welcomed many foreign experts to share in its opening and development. This welcome extends to health services, especially in China, inland provinces, in its rural areas, and among its national minority peoples.

MSI is a channel through which skilled Christian health personnel from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc can serve the medical, physical, and spiritual needs of these areas. MSI provides a programme of orientation and preparation for both short term and long term volunteers and sends these individuals in teams to needy areas.

MSI personnel are involved on-site in:
  • hands-on care in needy and strategic areas
  • lecturing on advanced medical techniques and health services and demonstrating them
  • English language teaching, accountancy, and sheep farming
  • developing training programmes for improving environmental hygiene and preventive medicine
  • training 'village medics' and health personnel
  • providing medicines and medical equipment and training in their use
  • providing a Christian testimony of love and concern

Long term co-operation
Four years ago, leaders of the Sichuan Bureau of Public Health, Yenching Alumni Association and MSI joined in signing our first Memorandum of Long Term Co-operation. Since then MSI has enjoyed the privilege and challenge of partnership in an increasing number of programmes - medical, livestock, English and accountancy.

From the beginning Chinese officials and MSI leaders recognise that our joint efforts in community development and education should he 'long term'. This would involve long term planning,long term co-operation and long term commitment. For MSI such a focus also clearly called for the mobilization of colleagues who were prepared to serve long term in order to see these programmes through to completion.

Although MSI has seen more than 500 Christian professionals, participate in short term trips, this commitment to long term service has not changed. Indeed, it has been strengthened as we have witnessed the encouragement of a growing number of professionals whom we describe as non-residential long term colleagues.While they may live and work in Hong Kong, Singapore or the USA, by returning regularly for service, they are actually building on the foundation of their previous visits.

Long term commitment
Without doubt, however, the most effective service is being rendered by colleagues who are committed to living in China, mastering the language, identifying with people, partnering with their professional counterparts and serving the society's needs. It is marvellous to see their number growing steadily.

The long term medical team which is working among the Yi minority people in Sichuan has been able to assist in raising the standard of medical care in Zhaojue County Hospital. From that base they have been reaching out to conduct health fairs for the community and train health workers for the villages. Lives have been saved, drug addicts rescued, and hearts transformed.

The long term livestock programme has already lifted some of the 50 families chosen in the first 'sheep on loan'project out of abject poverty. In July 1998, 40 of these families returned ten sheep each, thus enabling 40 new families to start in the expanding project. Gaining skills in sheep farming, these Yi families are now beginning to enjoy the dignity of self reliance.

MSI colleagues who are teaching English long term have a privileged opportunity for service. Some are training local English teachers, others are teaching undergraduate students, working with MA and PhD candidates, or helping doctors and nurses improve their English. One MSI colleague recently reported that two of their students took first and second place in the university-wide English competition.

Long term service
The impact of the lives of these long term Christian professionals will be multiplied many times over through the students, farmers, professionals and patients they live among and work with day by day. Only eternity will reveal the full measure of God's grace.

When the Lord saw the crowds in his day, we are told he had compassion on them and instructed his disciples to use their resources to meet the people's need. They did. Will you not pray about using your God-given professional resources in long term service to meet people's needs in China? Whether you have just completed your professional training and a lifetime of service awaits you, or you already have a lifetime of rich experience and are considering taking early retirement, there is a place of fruitful long term service for you. MSI may help you find it.

Further information
Mr Ronald Clements,
42 Telston Lane,
TN14 5JX

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uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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