That thy way may be known upon earth
Thy saving health among all nations. (Psalm 67: 2 AV.)
Partnership among all nations was always in God's plan for his creation. The psalmist saw this'. The plan would result in joy since the nations would be ruled justly and in plenty, with the land being farmed sustainably.
The psalmist called this wholeness ‘saving health'. The plan has two sets of ingredients - the human race is invited to know, understand and obey God's ways, but the plan can only work if God makes it work. The psalmist called this 'God's blessing'.
Among All Nations wants to see more Christian health professionals share in that partnership among, all nations, and experience that coming blessing.
Partnership among all nations was always in God's plan for his creation. The psalmist saw this'. The plan would result in joy since the nations would be ruled justly and in plenty, with the land being farmed sustainably.
The psalmist called this wholeness ‘saving health'. The plan has two sets of ingredients - the human race is invited to know, understand and obey God's ways, but the plan can only work if God makes it work. The psalmist called this 'God's blessing'.
Among All Nations wants to see more Christian health professionals share in that partnership among, all nations, and experience that coming blessing.