If we want to be ready to take the opportunities of service in the kingdom today we will need to be mobile as well as persistent - ready to move and be moved in body mind and spirit. Ethnic conflict (Mary Larkum), disintegrating secular services and low morale (Dr Watson) and confusion about what to do next are the situations where our Lord may want us. Its hard to take others into dangerous situations and to move families around and lonely for single folk and for for the homemakers as well as for the refugees they want to help (Where are they now?).But the church has so much to offer the world (Patricia Nickson). We must be open to new ideas (Rod Macrorie) and new ways of doing things. Quoting Trailblazers leaflet - Releasing Resources into a Hurting World a new initiative of Saltmine Trust in association with Evangelical Missionary Alliance, Evangelical Alliance and Spring Harvest. "although worship is our priority, many have not made the link between worship and work. Paul calls us to be living sacrifices but sometimes we have the tendency to creep off the altar". There is reward even in this world in fellowship (Elective Excerpts). Watch this space for the next Maxwell Memorial lecture to be given, DV, by Dr Patrick Dixon on 'The Boomerang Effect'- Medical Mission and World Revival.