It is my privilege to share with all readers of Saving Health the challenges now facing the Association. The last few years have seen big changes and the Council has had to face up to big decisions.
What is God's plan and purpose for the MMA as we approach the New Millennium? For nearly 120 years God has used this Association to be the servant of the mission societies, envisioning young medical men and women to serve throughout the world. Was this role over or could our resources be used by responding to the strategic opportunities of tomorrow's world?
Other Christian health professionals were challenging the MMA to extend its services, not only to doctors, but to all health professionals - nurses, midwives, dentists, radiographers, physiotherapists, health administrators - who are seeking to serve in or support overseas work. Requests were coming from mission societies to help their staff obtain the specialised training they needed if they were to return to their posts. There continue to be many requests from Christian medical students and undergraduate nurses, for travel grants towards their university approved 'elective experiences' in a third world missionary hospitals. Last year, MMA made 20 small elective grants. The experience can be lifechanging and may lead to full- time missionary service.
Senior doctors and health professionals are being asked to give some time on retirement to mission hospitals. I was privileged to do this myself in a hospital in Liberia - an experience I will never forget - coming as it did, many years after my early missionary experience.
Through the years of its history, MMA has been upheld by an army of faithful supporters, who by their prayerful interest and sacrificial giving, have made their contribution to the medical missionary outreach of the Christian churches.
If we are to accept the opportunities and challenges of 'tomorrow's world', a major increase in MMA's income and resources is going to be necessary. The Council of the MMA has launched a 'Millennium Appeal'. The target is to raise MMA's future income by £100,000 per year. This is needed if MMA is to enable Christian health professionals throughout the British Isles to be aware of the medical mission opportunities that exist.
Enclosed with this Saving Health is a copy of our appeal brochure, Approaching the New Millennium. May I ask you all to read and prayerfully consider ways that you can help? A few selected Christian Trusts have already been approached, most of whom have made very generous responses.
On behalf of the Council of the MMA, may I thank you for all your support in the past and ask for your continued support in the future.
What is God's plan and purpose for the MMA as we approach the New Millennium? For nearly 120 years God has used this Association to be the servant of the mission societies, envisioning young medical men and women to serve throughout the world. Was this role over or could our resources be used by responding to the strategic opportunities of tomorrow's world?
Other Christian health professionals were challenging the MMA to extend its services, not only to doctors, but to all health professionals - nurses, midwives, dentists, radiographers, physiotherapists, health administrators - who are seeking to serve in or support overseas work. Requests were coming from mission societies to help their staff obtain the specialised training they needed if they were to return to their posts. There continue to be many requests from Christian medical students and undergraduate nurses, for travel grants towards their university approved 'elective experiences' in a third world missionary hospitals. Last year, MMA made 20 small elective grants. The experience can be lifechanging and may lead to full- time missionary service.
Senior doctors and health professionals are being asked to give some time on retirement to mission hospitals. I was privileged to do this myself in a hospital in Liberia - an experience I will never forget - coming as it did, many years after my early missionary experience.
Through the years of its history, MMA has been upheld by an army of faithful supporters, who by their prayerful interest and sacrificial giving, have made their contribution to the medical missionary outreach of the Christian churches.
If we are to accept the opportunities and challenges of 'tomorrow's world', a major increase in MMA's income and resources is going to be necessary. The Council of the MMA has launched a 'Millennium Appeal'. The target is to raise MMA's future income by £100,000 per year. This is needed if MMA is to enable Christian health professionals throughout the British Isles to be aware of the medical mission opportunities that exist.
Enclosed with this Saving Health is a copy of our appeal brochure, Approaching the New Millennium. May I ask you all to read and prayerfully consider ways that you can help? A few selected Christian Trusts have already been approached, most of whom have made very generous responses.
On behalf of the Council of the MMA, may I thank you for all your support in the past and ask for your continued support in the future.