This issue of Saving Health is a little heavier to read. The easier reading is found in Among All Nations. The work of the MMA itself has been brought to the front of the magazine and into today's technology. A serious but old debate on the aims of medical mission is restated in terms of today's global culture by a doctor at Bible College after his first tour overseas. A recently retired doctor experiences medicine in rural Uganda today. A longer retired doctor reminds us of what it was like to practise in North India 50 years ago. One almost feels envious of his simple technology and his deep dependence on God. It has been said that today we live in a sliding culture. We know where we have come from, we don't know where we are going, but we do know we will not be staying where we are. It is harder than ever for students to plan their futures. An elective in a mission hospital provides an opportunity to experience medicine practised in a Christian environment among patients and staff who are not embarrassed by putting God at the centre of human life. Dare we trust him with our long term planning? The church seems to be growing fastest among peoples who have the least material goods in which to trust.