MMA HealthServe
Encourages Christian Health Professionals (CHPs) to respond to the increasing burden of disease, among disadvantaged people, in the poorest parts of the world.
Looks for those who want to practice a rewarding form of healthcare in Christ's name and according to his values as revealed in the Bible. It will work with all organisations who share these values and whose visions overlap, in strategic partnership, rather than in competition.
Healthcare Professionals
Sees CHPs of all disciplines working in multinational teams at all levels of the pyramid from community development through prevention and primary care, to secondary and appropriate tertiary care. They work with professional competence whether curing advanced disease or relieving symptoms. They share compassion and hope with those who would otherwise have none. Key concepts include facilitating community ownership, teaching what is possible, and recognising what is essential and sustainable.
A CHP's involvement with mission may start by small faith steps as a student plans an overseas elective or as a recent graduate slots a short visit into his or her training program. It can also start at retirement. Some will go on to implement this vision long-term. Others may make repeat visits to places they know throughout their careers.
To Serve Christ
Recognises that Jesus healed out of compassion, not as a means of coercion and often when it was inconvenient for him to do so. His church since then has given similar non-judgmental service to those who were sick. Some people whether cured or not are set free by Him from ignorance, guilt, and fear and empowered for new life. Nationals and mission partners alike learn to trust Him for protection, provision and the ability to endure hardship. Patients often welcome prayer in His name or a simple explanation of who He is.
and His Church
Helps both the sending and the host churches by making the necessary links. (What MMA HealthServe does not do is to send people overseas itself, nor does it run any healthcare projects of its own). Mission partners remain accountable both to their hosts and to their home churches or mission societies.
In the Developing World
Promotes inter dependency. Those with more material wealth share with those who have less but are challenged by the greater faith of those who have less.
Encourages Christian Health Professionals (CHPs) to respond to the increasing burden of disease, among disadvantaged people, in the poorest parts of the world.
Looks for those who want to practice a rewarding form of healthcare in Christ's name and according to his values as revealed in the Bible. It will work with all organisations who share these values and whose visions overlap, in strategic partnership, rather than in competition.
Healthcare Professionals
Sees CHPs of all disciplines working in multinational teams at all levels of the pyramid from community development through prevention and primary care, to secondary and appropriate tertiary care. They work with professional competence whether curing advanced disease or relieving symptoms. They share compassion and hope with those who would otherwise have none. Key concepts include facilitating community ownership, teaching what is possible, and recognising what is essential and sustainable.
A CHP's involvement with mission may start by small faith steps as a student plans an overseas elective or as a recent graduate slots a short visit into his or her training program. It can also start at retirement. Some will go on to implement this vision long-term. Others may make repeat visits to places they know throughout their careers.
To Serve Christ
Recognises that Jesus healed out of compassion, not as a means of coercion and often when it was inconvenient for him to do so. His church since then has given similar non-judgmental service to those who were sick. Some people whether cured or not are set free by Him from ignorance, guilt, and fear and empowered for new life. Nationals and mission partners alike learn to trust Him for protection, provision and the ability to endure hardship. Patients often welcome prayer in His name or a simple explanation of who He is.
and His Church
Helps both the sending and the host churches by making the necessary links. (What MMA HealthServe does not do is to send people overseas itself, nor does it run any healthcare projects of its own). Mission partners remain accountable both to their hosts and to their home churches or mission societies.
In the Developing World
Promotes inter dependency. Those with more material wealth share with those who have less but are challenged by the greater faith of those who have less.