These 'impressions' by a retired CMF member give a very helpful synopsis of the psalms. The psalms express challenges and provocations which the biblical David experienced as shepherd, army commander, refugee and sovereign. Unlike those times we are not so involved with 'flesh and blood' controversies but with 'the powers of darkness in this world and against spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms'. These include political correctness. From his background of service in the Royal Navy, extensive senior appointments in pathology, and valued preaching in many churches, David Powell's impressions condense and make relevant to modern Western life the psalmist's sensibilities of life.
The psalms reflect the depth of personal relationship available between man and the Creator. In addition to the 'impressions' from each psalm, there are relevant and inspiring brief quotations from Scripture or hymns which enhance the concise summary of the psalm itself. This is a good digestive ingredient of our 'daily bread', the Word of God passed down over thousands of years and still essential for today.