New work with student nurses
After discussions at General Committee and CMFBoard, as well as long standing discussions withinthe leadership of Christian Nurses & Midwives(CNM), we are recruiting a new staff worker forstudent nurses and midwives. Based in the Londonarea and out of the CMF London office, this willpioneer a strong Christian ministry and movementamong nurses and midwives, which we hope to seespread out nationally and in the long term builda stronger movement in the nursing and alliedhealth professions.
If colleagues or members of your church mightbe interested, do pass on details. There is a linkon the home page at
In the meantime, we are making useful links withstudent nurses through the UCCF London teamwho approached us quite independently, lookingfor help and advice on supporting the growingnumber of student nurses they are seeing.
Saline Solution
CMF and CNM are working together on runningSaline Solution courses for nurses and other healthprofessionals around the UK – the first will be 17April in Liverpool and then 22 May in London.Website has more details.
RCN on assisted suicide
Further to the Royal College of Nursing's moveto a 'neutral' position on assisted suicide, I had aconstructive meeting with the General Secretary,Dr Peter Carter. I have since arranged a secondmeeting, bringing together a number of concernednurses to challenge the RCN on this stance.
Nurses Christian Fellowship International
NCFI hold their eighth quadrennial Europeanregional conference from 31 May-5 June nearCluj in Romania. This will draw together leadingChristian nurses, academics and educators to shareperspectives on how globalisation is impactingnursing and healthcare, and to shed some lightfrom the Bible and Christian thinking. For detailsand booking forms, see www.ncfieurope.orgor email