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ss nucleus - Christmas 2010,  medical school news - midlands

medical school news - midlands

Each issue now contains an update from one of the eight regions represented on the CMF National Student Committee. Naomi Bradley brings news from the Midlands.
The Birmingham preclinical group meets weekly for food, fun and discussion. Speakers are often local Christian doctors, who willingly give of their time and are a blessing to the group. The clinical group has grown over the last year and meets monthly (along with large amounts of cake!) – topics discussed include surviving as an FY1, elective planning and ethical issues.

An annual day away is a highlight of the year, this year involving talks on Romans, perfectionism and dealing with stress, and an afternoon of canoeing. There was plenty of wetness, laughter, food and good fellowship together; as well as a good opportunity for pre-clinical and clinical students to meet and encourage one another. Events planned include an ethical evening looking at 'end of life issues' in the medical school, and putting on a Christmas meal for friends with a chance to share what Christmas means to Christians.

Leicester has been blessed with enthusiastic new freshers and dedicated pre-clinical reps (Tobi and Nathan). They have seen remarkable provision on God's part in giving them strength, focus and energy to keep ticking over with ideas for each weekly meeting, even when they think they have run dry!

Meetings often involve sharing with one another, and the opportunity to pray and encourage each other in being a beacon for Jesus in the medical school. A 'buddy' scheme has paired one or two freshers with an older student, in the hope of growing friendships which might be a source of support and encouragement to Christian freshers in the new and often overwhelming experience of being a first year medical student.

In Nottingham, regular meetings include all Christian medics, nurses, midwives, physios and pharmacists – a fantastic way of building a true sense of the unity of Christ as one body across the university. About once a month local CMF doctors speak on healthcare topics.

Keele have had an actionpacked term of exciting events that got off to a really good start in Freshers' Week, with many attending the pizza evening prior to the university's 'pyjama pub crawl'. Later in term, a debate was held on palliative care, led by a consultant in the field, which had an encouraging turn out. There are weekly meetings for both pre-clinical and clinical groups. Planned events include a Saline Solution course, seminars on alcohol and addiction, and a Christianity and Islam debate. The leaders at Keele ask for prayer for the new students – that that they will be safe and protected in the light of living amongst many temptations, and that their trust and belief will grow stronger.

Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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