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Empty Arms

A mother's journey through grief to hope
Keren Baker
Evangelical Press 2009
£6.69 Hb 125pp
ISBN 9780852347049

The Bible reminds us to 'comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God'. Keren Baker does this beautifully through this book, which she wrote during the year following the eeath of her two-year-old daughter Natalie from septicaemia.

While not minimising the heart-wrenching agony of a grieving mother, it is clear that she knows and trusts a good and loving God. Scriptural truth is woven throughout the narrative. She describes frankly the emotional, physical and spiritual effects of Natalie's death, particularly on her other children, and provides sensible and practical advice on how to navigate the turbulent waters following.

It is short, easy to read, and ideal to offer to somebody struggling with the raw pain and distress that Keren and her family experienced. When my daughter Eva died in 2008, I searched for such a resource.

Since its publication, I have given copies to many friends and relatives. All have wept, but all have been helped to understand the goodness of God through such trials and have been greatly encouraged. I highly recommend this book for the bereaved.

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