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ss nucleus - summer 2011,  medical school news: south- east

medical school news: south- east

God is doing great things in the south-east – renowned for its glorious sunshine, relaxed universities and intellectual prowess. Perhaps most encouraging was the tremendous turn out to the National Conference (over 40 students) and enthusiasm that many got from it. Students came back full of renewed passion for God and for reaching out to their friends. Oxford students were particularly grateful to local doctors who generously subsidised conference costs. Older students in Southampton also encouraged the freshers to attend.

Southampton have been praying for leaders to help continue the work of CMF locally. We've now been blessed with a few candidates who all promise much and we pray they will be used mightily by God in expanding his Kingdom. Although still in its infancy, a mentoring scheme to support these leaders is showing potential and fruit which will be evident for many generations.

Brighton and Sussex has seen some real passion and enthusiasm with recent meetings and events such as Confident Christianity. Please pray that these would continue and that the CMF and CU would, in their different roles, grow in unity for the gospel.

Oxford CMF had a good start to the year with a large number of students coming up from the preclinical school to join the clinical school group. At the freshers' fair, CMF students were on hand to answer a question about faith in exchange for a cake – some good conversations were had! 4th year students also ran a series of ethical talks with discussion at lunchtimes during a lecture course. These were well attended and received, so some of the CMF students are hoping to set up a regular group for debating such ethical dilemmas. We have also enjoyed making better links with local doctors through several breakfasts at local doctors' houses and a summer BBQ.

Cambridge's clinical group continues strongly, meeting weekly during term to pray and support one another. Please pray for leadership for next year; we have several who are willing, but who will spend most of the year away from Cambridge on placements. Pray that God will guide how best we organise ourselves.

The south-east also has a strong juniors group which we hope will provide inspiration and help to final year students as they face the reality of becoming a doctor.

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uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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