In 2012, 99 PRIME tutors carried out 57 separate programmes in 29 different countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America and Australasia providing teaching and training to over 4,000 individuals.
The PRIME team continues to experience an expanding sense of vision and blessing: 2012 saw growth in nearly every area of interest including geographic, resource building and training.
However, there is an urgent need for creative people to come forward to help develop this growing ministry and an equally urgent need for regular financial support to support and enlarge the overworked admin team.
For details of PRIME's work around the world, you can read the latest Annual Report at /annualreport.htm
John Caroe, PRIME Chairman
Junior Doctors
Mistakes in checking students' answer sheets led to delays in foundation job allocations. As CMF News went to press, student members who had expected to hear about their foundation year placements in February, were still waiting. Once the placements are made, CMF works to link new graduates with a Welcomer at their first place of work.
CMF links expanding
Efforts to sign up CMF link people have been an enormous success, so far. All CMF graduate members who have offered to help have been contacted. There are 200 appointed already. This helps ensure a substantial CMF 'reach' into workplaces, localities, deaneries, churches, foundation schools and specialties.
Pablo Fernandez, CMF Head of Graduate Ministries
National student conference
'There's a difference between being associated with Jesus – kind of being there, hanging out with him – and being a disciple of Jesus,' Jason Clarke (top right) told the 2013 CMF Student Conference held at Swanwick from 8-10 February. Despite massive motorway travel disruptions more than 350 medical students attended.
Foundational to discipleship is an understanding of Jesus' death and resurrection, Jason declared. 'The disciple can only follow because Jesus has died and risen in his or her place. What Jesus did for us is always prior to how we live for him.' And this will enable us as disciples to do what Jesus calls us to do.
Jesus says that if God doesn't even forget a sparrow, the cheapest item in the market, he will not forget you when you have the courage to nail your colours to the mast and speak up for your faith in a tutorial group or with your family. 'It's impossible, says Jesus, to be a true follower of him and be a silent witness.'
Nick Land, CMF Vice Chairman, addressed the theme of work. The ancient Greeks, he said, believed work was a curse and their thinkers aspired to be free of it. Even very skilled people – lawyers, physicians – were slaves. The Christian faith affirms that God is a worker and he coworks with us in our daily vocation.
Seminar topics included healing, creation and evolution, practical ethics, homosexuality, international mission and how to survive the foundation years. A rich diet, along with much appreciated opportunities to meet new people and make new friends. CMF at its very best.
John Martin, CMF Senior EditorInternational Medical Student Conference
'Absolutely amazing... beyond my expectations' was how one student summed up this year's IMSC on 4-8 February. Another said it meant 'friendships, inspiration, a wider prayer network'. In all 27 students came from 23 countries for an intensive week of student leaders' training. With 2 Timothy as the launch pad they explored the challenges of leadership in an increasingly complex world. Among the visiting speakers were John Wyatt (on medical ethics) and Marcus Honeysett (of Living Leadership). Participants joined evangelist Jay Smith on a tour of the British Museum where he explained exhibits of ancient artefacts demonstrating the reliability of the documents of the Old Testament.
Participants then travelled north to Swanwick for the CMF National Student Conference and many were seen emerging laden with book purchases. 'Just getting to know so many people from all over, with the same goal in medicine was absolutely amazing,' is how one delegate summed up the experience.
John Martin, CMF Senior Editor
National Conference
Don't miss the CMF National Conference set for 26-28 April 2013 at The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire. The theme is 'Integrity - consistent Christian living in all of life', with Jonathan Lamb as the main speaker. Nick Land, CMF Vice-Chairman, delivers this year's Rendle Short Lecture, his theme 'Leadership in the NHS'. There are tracks for junior doctors and student leaders, with places available for students. Families are very welcome and there are good programmes for children and teens and a crèche for babies and toddlers.
Pablo Fernandez, CMF Head of Graduate Ministries