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ss triple helix - summer 2017,  Lighting the Way: A handbook for Christian Nurses and Midwives

Lighting the Way: A handbook for Christian Nurses and Midwives

Steve Fouch & Catherine Butcher (ed)
  • CMF, 2017, £7, 134pp, 9780906747704

  • Reviewed by Carrie Dameron, Associate Professor of Nursing in California, USA

Lighting the Way brings Christian nursing essentials together in four sections. 'Identity' brings fundamental skills of Christian faith with discussions on prayer, church, character, and the important relationships in our lives with colleagues and family. 'On Call' merges Christian faith with professional nursing, topics on spiritual care, workplace culture and sharing our faith. The heart of the book is found in the third section, 'Frontline', which dives into the many challenges modern Christian nurses face like bioethics, human personhood and complementary and alternative medicines. The authors are brave, educated and clear on how the Christian faith defines these and other challenging issues in modern healthcare.

Each topic in these three sections includes relevant scripture, explorative questions and a reading list to guide nurses and midwives to dive deeper with each topic.

The final section‚ 'Devotions'includes 40 daily Bible readings and meditations which support the faith and spiritual development of nurses and midwives.

The chosen specific meditations encourage a vibrant relationship with the Lord through prayer and worship forged through time in the Word. I feel honored to have authored some of the devotions chosen to be included in the collection.

Lighting the Way is a valuable essential resource for both faith and professional development. A rare publication in Christian nursing that provides knowledge, wisdom and spiritual support.
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uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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