- Priests had blood put on their right ears at their consecration (Ex 29:20; Lv 8:23). The same act constituted part of the cleansing process for healed lepers (Lv 14:14).
- The Apostle Peter cut off the ear of the high priest's servant with a sword (Jn 18:10). Jesus then touched the man's ear and healed him, saying 'No more of this!' (Lk 22:51)
- Freed slaves who opted to stay with their masters had their ears voluntarily pierced with an awl (Ex 21:6; Dt 15:17).
Know Your Bible 24
- What Old Testament offence was punished by amputation of the hand?
- Which biblical character had his kidneys 'pierced' by God? How?
- Who was referred to as 'our dear friend... the doctor'?