RSS Feeds are special web pages that help you keep up to date with content published on web pages without you having to visit the website that you want to keep up to date with.
In order to make use of these RSS feeds, you need a piece of software called a 'news reader' or have access to a service that will check the feeds and alert you to when new content has become available. A number of web browsers can also check these feeds and alert you when new content is available. See the list on the left for links to popular news reader software and services.
How you subscribe to a feed will depend on what software you are using to keep track of feeds. Generally, dragging the orange RSS feed symbol on this page and throughout this site into your news reader or copying and pasting the link of the feed is all you need to do to subscribe. See the help file contained within your reader software for more information.
Web browsers that check for feeds automatically will generally show a special icon which when clicked on will help you subscribe to the feed.