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One to one Bible reading

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One to one bible reading a simple guide for every Christian
By David Helm
Published: Matthias media
ISBN 978 1 921441 98 1
Price for CMF student members: £4

One-to-one Bible reading is vital for effective and vibrant gospel ministry. This simple guide to an essential ministry is a magnificent resource that will be useful for training all Christians in ministry. There is little else like it. We shall use it extensively at St Helen's.
William Taylor (Rector at St Helen's Bishopsgate in London)

Helm's booklet encourages relational evangelism and discipleship based on the living and active world of God, offering practical tools for one-on-one Bible reading and envisioning a mobilization of God's people that would complement church programs. Helm calls us to invite people not only to an event, but into our lives and into the life of faith in Jesus Christ offered in his word.
Kathleen Nielson (Author and conference speaker)

David Helm is deeply committed to the public exposition of God's word and the training of preachers. Yet in this guide he advocates a deep-rooted culture of one-to-one Buble eading in our churches. Surely the two go hand in hand, but many Christians don't know where to start in this personal Bible reading ministry. This guide provides the inspiration for this desperately needed ministry revolution and the growth of the gospel vine into every corner of our communities.
Colin Marshall (Author of 'The Trellis and the Vine' and CEO of Vinegrowers.

David Helm is a pastor at Holy Trinity Church in Chicago, and Chairman of The Charles Simeon Trust, a ministry devoted to equipping expository preachers. He longs for all Christians to read God's word for themselves and with others.

If you are not a CMF student member, this title is available to buy online from the CMF bookstore

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