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The good God

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The Good God
Enjoying Father, Son and Spirit
By: Michael Reeves
Published: Paternoster
ISBN 978 1 84227 744 7
Price for CMF student members: £5

In this lively and refreshing book, Michael Reeves unfurls the profound beauty of the Trinity, and shows how the triune God of the Bible brightens everything in a way that is happily life-changing. Prepare to enjoy the Father, Son and Spirit!

'At the heart of the universe is the passionate love between the memberws of the Trinity. Mike Reeves not only helps us grapple with a difficult doctring but draws us toe the magnetically attractive centre of all things. His light touch and theological wisdom combine to provide a truly helpful book which both clears your mind and warms your heart.'
Terry Virgo, Newfrontiers, UK

'Recent years have seen a number of books designed for a lay readership that sweep the doctrine of the Trinity off the dusty shelves of irrelevance, helping us see that God's triunity radically shapes every part of Christian faith and life. Here is one of the most lively, readable and stimulating to appear.'
Jeremy Begbie, Thomas A. Langford Research Professor at Duke Divinity School, Duke University.

'The Good God is a wonderful read. Reading it feels like you're eating candy floss - sweet, fun, easy. But in fact you're getting a nourishing, nutritious meal of real substance. This book will enlarge your view of God and increase your love for God. You'll be blown away by the lavish love between the Father, Son and the Spirit that overflows to the world. If you want to enjoy God more than read this book.'
Tim Chester, Crowded House, Sheffield, UK

'This amazing little book dances like a butterfly and stings like a bee. With lightness of touch, a great sense of humour, and real theological wisdom, Mike Reeves opens our eyes to the sheer wonder and beauty of the Holy Trinity! This book is OUTSTANDING!'
Robin Parry, author fo 'Worshipping Trinity: Coming Back to the Heart of Worship'.

If you are not a CMF student member, this title is available to buy online from the CMF bookstore

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