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The single issue

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The Single Issue
By: Al Hsu

Published: IVP (2010)

ISBN: 9781844744299

Price for CMF student members: £5

Being a Christian isn't always easy. The same is true for being single. Surely it's just bad luck to find yourself both single AND a Christian! Often we can feel that marriage is the norm, and with that comes pressure to settle down and find 'the one'. Hsu dispels those pressures as he tackles a range of isues surrounding singleness. He deals with these topics sensitively, while firmly reminding us that our wishes may not be the same as God's plans. He discusses whether singleness is a gift and how this should affect our attitude towards being single. What I like most about this book is its grounding in scripture, constantly turning to the Bible for advice and guidance, and each chapter ends with a short Bible study. Overall, this is a great book for any Christian, not just those who are single. Easy to read, The Single Issue will help you develop a biblical understanding of singleness and provide encouragement and guidance to those who are single and struggling with it.

Review by Jonathan Squibbs, Leeds

If you are not a CMF student member, this title is available to buy online from the CMF bookstore

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