We meet in different people's houses throughout the year but we will let you know where each meeting is going to be via email and our facebook group.
CMF is a great place to have relevant discussions and teaching about living for Jesus in the medical profession. It is a great opportunity to chat with older medical students, doctors and nurses who can give you invaluable advice about getting the most out of Manchester, med school and how to be effective as a Christian. As well as spiritual support, older students often run OSCE and revision session to help out with exams.
Also, if you are lucky enough to get placed in Preston for your clinical years, there is a group that meets regularly there too!
Other than our regular meetings our events this year include the National CMF Student Conference (you don't want to miss this!) and we are currently trying to organise a weekend away with Liverpool and Lancaster CMF groups too!
For more information, join our Facebook page and check out our website:
Facebook: https:
Website: http:
<< student contacts in your area
Student Link: a medical student who provides a link between the student group and national CMF and is actively involved in running the local group.
Medical School Link: a graduate doctor who supports the local CMF medical student group by being a point of contact for them, and by linking them with other doctors locally and CMF generally, in order to further the aims of CMF (discipleship, evangelism, mission, values).
National Student Council: a medical student and regional representative for CMF working with CMF student groups at each medical school.