Laurence Crutchlow
Associate Head (Office)
Laurence writes: 'Having been so well taught and trained by CMF as a student, it is a privilege to be able to help today's students benefit from the same opportunities. I enjoy helping students grow in their faith, whether through giving talks, writing articles. meeting one to one, or doing administrative work to ensure events like the Student Conference actually happen. A particular encouragement is seeing students I have known in previous years going on to support the next generation.'
Laurence's role includes:
- Overseeing student groups in London and the Midlands
- Managing the student journal Nucleus
- Speaking at conferences and group meetings
CMF staff contact
Nottingham, Birmingham, Warwick, Leicester, Keele
Student Link: a medical student who provides a link between the student group and national CMF and is actively involved in running the local group.
Medical School Link: a graduate doctor who supports the local CMF medical student group by being a point of contact for them, and by linking them with other doctors locally and CMF generally, in order to further the aims of CMF (discipleship, evangelism, mission, values).
National Student Council: a medical student and regional representative for CMF working with CMF student groups at each medical school.