Christian Medial Fellowship
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Calling all Freshers!

Hello Freshers! Welcome to Uni!

The Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) exists to unite and equip Christian medical, nursing and midwifery students and graduates to live and speak for Jesus Christ.

You've begun a lifelong journey. In the next few years, you'll learn thousands of new words, meet more people than you could ever imagine, and sit countless exams. You'll share some of the happiest and saddest times in patients' lives.

Why be part of CMF?

We can help you navigate issues that are much more specific to Christian medical, nursing or midwifery students.

How do you respond to lecturers who argue against belief in God?

What do you do if asked to watch, or help with, an abortion?

What do you say if a patient asks to pray with you?

If you would like to contact us about becoming a part of CMF, please complete the form here.

It's take...and give
By being a member:

  • You encourage other medical, nursing and midwifery students, showing that we are not individuals but are united and can have confidence that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.
  • You add strength to our voice as we speak out in the public square. Cheesy though it may sound, we are stronger together.
  • You know what's happening, so you are better able to pray for that work.
  • Your subscriptions and gifts help pay for the work of CMF. You could access many of our resources for free as a non-member of course, but we are dependent on Christian medics, nurses and midwives making a decision to support the work.
  • You have the opportunity to give to others, eg, by being a point of contact, leading a group, organising an evangelistic event; and the list goes on...

Take a look at our resources, connect with a local group and join with us in uniting and supporting Christian medical, nursing and midwifery students where you are today.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Rachel on behalf of the CMF Student Team

Upcoming Events!

For details of our events for students, including our packed-out-every-year student conference click here.

CMF membership costs just £12 per year for medical, nursing and midwifery students until you graduate.


Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
Contact Phone020 7234 9660
Contact Address6 Marshalsea Road, London SE1 1HL
© 2025 Christian Medical Fellowship. A company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England no. 6949436. Registered Charity no. 1131658.
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