There are three main reasons for you to join CMF…
CMF exists to unite Christian doctors and students. It's all about people! In a world that rejects Christ, it's so important for Christian medics to join together in fellowship, to support each other, and to unite publicly for the promotion of Christian values in medicine and the proclamation of the gospel.
- Christian medical students in your university
- Meeting with local doctors for social and other events
- One-to-one study/prayer with an older student or doctor
- Career advice and support from Christian doctors
- Linking with other Christian medics on hospital placements and when you qualify
Across the country…
- Regional day conferences
- Annual National Student Conference
- Leaders' training events
- Student Summer School
Around the world…
- Linking with medical missionaries for overseas electives
- CMF's International Medical Student Conference
- Summer camps in eastern Europe
- Partnering with overseas medical schools
- Networking with ICMDA the International Christian Medical and Dental Association
CMF will also help keep you connected and informed through our website, e-news, and termly newsletters.
CMF exists to equip Christian doctors and students. In all those opportunities we have to meet - one-to-one, in groups, in conferences - we encourage and learn from one another.
- Integrating faith with studying and practising medicine
- Telling others about Jesus
- Medical ethics
- Whole person medicine
- Medical mission
- Leadership training, writing workshops, elective planning
We run day conferences on evangelism (Confident Christianity, Answering Other Faiths, Saline Solution), ethics (Whatever you do), and overseas mission (Who is my neighbour?).
We send out termly publications:
- Triple Helix for all CMF members
- Nucleus, our student magazine
- CMF Files - each covers a different ethical issue
- CMF News - members' update
We publish books, all available to purchase online and at bargain prices for students. is a great place to find resources - articles and multimedia downloads.
But our most important resource is our members - to teach and model what it means to practise Christian medicine.
CMF exists to unite and equip Christian doctors and students… so that we can more effectively live and speak for Jesus in medicine!
- By being a member, you add strength to our voice as we speak out in the public square
- By your subscriptions and gifts you help pay for the work of CMF
- By knowing what's happening, you are better able to pray for that work
And as a member you will be better equipped to do that work - to be the resource for others to learn from!
- Discipling other students one-to-one
- Leadership in your local group or with the National Student Committee
- Writing articles for Nucleus or the website
- Doing an elective in the developing world
- Joining a summer team to support medical students in eastern Europe
- Internship or other volunteer work with CMF
- Speaking out for Christian values in your student union or the BMA
- Telling your friends about Jesus
These are just some of many ways for students to help CMF fulfil its aims of discipleship, evangelism, mission and values. But were not doing this just to help CMF; we're serving Christ in medicine.
We're not just medics, who happen to be Christians. We're not just Christians, who happen to be medics. We're Christian medics, and we seek to serve Christ as we live and speak for him in medicine. And through CMF we can more effectively be united and equipped for this!
CMF membership costs just £12 per year for medical students until you graduate.