There is a rich network of support services set up for Christian healthcare workers overseas, several of which have already been mentioned. Take time to visit them (in person or via their website) and view what they have to offer before you go abroad.
(See Appendix 2).
Make sure you have a reliable personal support network for yourself in the UK before you go – people who can act on your behalf in the UK, obtaining vital resources, equipment and information for you etc.
The CMF website contains the Mission Resources Directory which is a 'Yellow Pages' of useful information and contact addresses for those working overseas. The contents page is reproduced below. Visit
Sending & Receiving Organisations
Non-UK Based Agencies, Organisations Offering Short-Term Service Opportunities, Overseas Hospitals, UK Based Agencies
Christian Support Organisations
ICMDA Member Organisations, National Christian Healthcare, NCFI Associates & Member Bodies, Organisations with a healthcare Interest, Organisations without a healthcare Interest
Other Useful Addresses
Charities with a Medical Interest, International Medical Bodies, Medical Societies and Allied Professions, Other Secular Organisations, Royal Colleges and Faculties
Information & Courses
Academic Courses, Bible Colleges, Medical Books, Journals and Publishers, Other Healthcare Mission Related Courses
Internet Resources
Ethics & Social Issues, International Healthcare Organisations, Opportunities, Resources
General, Grants for Elective Students, Grants for Mature Students
General Travel, Travel Websites, Vehicle Hire & Sales
Personal Resources
Careers Guidance, Children's Education, Encouragement, Insurance, Marriage Matters, Money Matters, Pensions, Personal Healthcare
Supplies, Building Projects, Drugs, Equipment, Freighting
UK Accommodation
Elsewhere, In or Near London, Retreat Centres
Useful organisations include:
Offers various services to those working abroad:
- Free membership while working abroad.
- Online access to several journals for bona fide voluntary workers.
- Will send you the BMJ (overseas edition without job adverts).
- Their International Department provides advice on a host of issues relevant both to those working abroad and regarding their return to the UK.