CRAIOVA, Romania, November 2006
An example of PRIME's work
Christian medical students have become the leaders for PRIME's opportunities in medical schools in Romania.
Craiova is a University town in the South: PRIME was asked to lead a two-day conference on doctor-patient relationships, consultation skills and stress.
Attendance was the best ever recorded for any PRIME event; about 600 signed in. About a quarter were doctors, the rest medical students and a few nursing students.
From the very start the openness and enthusiasm of participants was unbelievable – interaction was rich in spite of the numbers involved. Short sessions with frequent change of speaker/facilitator kept interest at a keen level. Laughter and clapping were frequent and in particular the course ended with gifts and flowers accompanied by a prolonged standing ovation. Formal evaluation sheets were most encouraging.
The course was reported and quoted on both national and local TV. As a result a professor and Christian student were interviewed live the following week at prime time (unintended pun!) on national TV to debate the whole issue of whole patient care.
This course was the most anointed ever and all tutors felt overwhelmed by the blessing. The fruit is awaited, but the possibility of a university summer camp is being discussed. The enthusiasm of participants coupled with official encouragement gives huge promise.
We are so aware of the special intercession that undergirds PRIME's work. Thank you.